Your children's bedroom should be a place of adventure and fun, as well as somewhere relaxing and restful. But how do you achieve both of these two things at the same time? Amazing & quirky design ideas for children's bedrooms. Write, draw and glow - Little people with big imaginations.

Pretty in Pink
Applying some bright blackboard paint in a child's bedroom is a great way to freshen up a room and offer a space for your little one to show off their creativity.
Leave each other cute little messages, or perhaps an instruction to tidy away their toys!
Blackboard Paint is safe and easy to apply. You can paint it straight on top of existing paint. The paints are water-based and completely safe for your precious ones to play with.
Compatible with any good quality chalks and can be washed down.
Available in a choice of colour options - but we just LOVE this popping pink.

Car Crazy
We love this clever use of MagnetPaint to create a stunning racetrack on a child's bedroom wall.
MagnetPaint can be applied under any normal emulsion paint, or even wallpaper, to create a surface that will accept magnetic attachments.
In this application, MagnetPaint has been paired with a black and yellow paint to mark out a track, a bright green paint for the grass, and a bright blue paint to represent the sky. The magnetpaint is underneath and the little cars along the track have had a small amount of Magnetic tape stuck to them so that they can be moved around the track.

Totally Roarsome
Glow Paint is an iridescent paint that glows up in the dark. A truelly spectacular product, the paint is transluscent in the day, and glows a greenish colour when the lights go out.
You can paint on top of a design to highlight sections. Here a dinosaur has been marked out and painted with the glow paint to create this dramatic effect.

Drawer Labels
This is such a good idea to encourage your little one to keep their bedroom nice and tidy...No excuses that they don't know where things go!
Simple paint existing furniture in Blackboard paint and you can write on and label up the drawers.
Having a change around? No problem... Wipe off, clean the surface and rewrite the labels.

Glowing Bunk Bed Ladders
If your child has a bunk bed and you are worried about how they will get down in the night for the toilet, why not paint the edge of the bunk bed ladders in Glow in the dark so your child can safely descent the steps.

Scribble Walls
If this has happened in your house, then maybe you should consider applying some Whiteboard Paint onto a designated area so that your little one can go crazy without wreaking havoc!
SketchPaint is a speciality paint that turns any surface into a writable whiteboard. Available in both a white finish or transparent you can either blend it into existing decor or make a stand out area where you're child can write, draw and explore - without destroying your paintwork!

Create A Reading Nook
This quiet way of utilising Glow Paint has created a soft and safe space for this little boy to read and relax before bed.
GlowPaint can be appled using stencils, or painted on freehand to create any shape you want.
The moon and stars in this picture create a relaxing and calming environment, paired with this beautiful teepee it creates a wonderful place to read and relax.

Wood Effect
One customer has painted clear whiteboard paint onto a wooden panel, which has then been attached to the wall in their child's bedroom. This looks so cool and is a really useful tool for this little girl to practice writing, spelling, maths or just being creative.